Sunday, April 3, 2016

Final Prototype Test Day at Oxbow

On Monday, March 21st my class of seventh grade students and I all headed out to Zollman Zoo. The projects that the students had created (as mentioned in previous posts) were the result of creativity, hard work, and excitement. Now, it was the day to go back out to the zoo and test out their enrichment toys with the animals.

It was a great trip! Below are some pictures and videos with students setting up the toys in the exhibits and results from some of the animals.


All of the students had a blast at the zoo. The only complaint I received was that they wished they could have stayed longer. Having a local connection as valuable as this is something I intend to use as long as they are willing to let us! Adding an extra connection to this project, via student blog posts, and reaching out to global experts, was a positive that I saw in the overall quality of the enrichment toys produced with this class. 

Connection is definitely something I will continue to work on and use in my future projects!


  1. That video was awesome! This is such an engaging project, and I love how you built in multiple layers of connection for students -- global experts, local experts, and peers. I hope that you're both able to keep reusing this project with students and able to take the same key components to build new experiences with multiple layers of connection and an engaging topic. I wonder if there are opportunities related to weather data, farms, and flying objects? Or pets via Leashes and Leads? What other cool/unique businesses or places exist in Byron?

    1. Thanks Andy. I have brought in different experts before from Leashes and Leads and a Zoo architect. I am trying to find so more experts in the veterinary field or even animal rescue organizations. Also, I want to bring in the design aspect with engineers coming in to share their insight with the students.
